Location Announcement!
What do you do when you can’t find a perfect solution? You create one, of course! And that is exactly what we have done at Menachem Mendel Academy in the search for our first home. After extensively searching high and low in the greater Scottsdale and surrounding areas for three months, we didn’t find anything that checked all the boxes for our school vision. Yes, we are extremely picky, and yes, we have verrrrrry high standards for the caliber of experience that we intend to deliver to our students, so it’s not terribly surprising that there wasn’t a pre-existing building we could simply take over.
What is surprising, however, is that the perfect solution is coming together right in our own back yard. Literally. When the school founders moved into their new home in April of this year, they had grand plans to convert a show boat and sports car garage on the back of the property into a guest house and office space. But about halfway into the renovation, they realized that it could make the perfect schoolhouse for MMA, until the school outgrows it. So, they continued to aggressively hunt for other options, but began to modify the house plans so that it could become a custom-built school, if needed. And after the Teachers and MMA Leadership Team began to use the space as a workroom and conference area in preparation for the school year, we all realized together that it really is exactly what we want and need.
The brand-new schoolhouse is located near Cactus and Scottsdale Road and will feature two large classrooms, a computer lab, teachers’ workroom, kitchenette, and multi-functional dining/activities area. Additionally, the boys will have their own private oasis surrounding them, as the school grounds sit on almost an acre of outdoor space, including grassy areas to run and play, a basketball hoop, swimming pool, playground, outdoor kitchen and dining areas, hammocks and shade trees, and a large herb garden. Drop-off and pick-up will be very convenient for parents, because there is a separate private driveway and access gate directly to the building. All meals for the school will be lovingly prepared with plant-based, organic ingredients from the kosher kitchen in the main house.
With one month to go before the doors officially open, our MMA Team is passionately working around the clock to make sure that our first year is excellent, in every sense of the word. While the classrooms are being furnished and decorated, a safety gate is being built around the pool and additional playground equipment is being added to the yard. Our Teachers are hard at work on the curriculum, and the entire year is being strategically planned for our inaugural students to experience their best year of school yet! An MMA Family Handbook will be published shortly, so stay tuned for more exciting details. To book a tour of the facility, or find out more about the school, please contact admin@menachemmendelacademy.com.
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