Uncategorized Teachers: The Secret Sauce to our Revolution 10 Jul 202310 Jul 2023 The summer heat has definitely settled into the desert, but it hasn’t stopped our learning fun at MMA! Our kiddos are in full summer excitement mode, and our teachers are…
Holistic Wellness… What’s Your Endgame? 26 May 202226 May 2022 One common principle among highly successful people is that they always have an endgame. ‘Start as you intend to proceed’. ‘Start with the end in mind.’ ‘Reverse Engineer.’ These…
Uncategorized Rabbi Akiva’s Post-Pandemic Message 20 May 202226 May 2022 Every society on earth has been traumatized by this pandemic. The feeling of profound loss – in many forms – pervades our world. But the human race is remarkably resilient,…
Academic Excellence… A Home-Grown Revolution 13 May 202226 May 2022 It has been an incredible year of learning and growth thus far at MMA. We officially launched our Early Learning Center in the Fall with our Preschool Program and then…
Jewish Life in Phoenix Happy Mother’s Day! 6 May 202226 May 2022 Even though Mothers Day isn't technically a Jewish thing, we would be remiss not to stop and make a big deal over our Moms this week. Interestingly, it's been said…
Millennial Leadership… From Small-Mindedness to Joyful Abundance 1 Apr 202226 May 2022 Chodesh Tov! It’s hard to believe that we are heading into Nissan. The Hebrew month of Nissan is called the Month of our Geulah (freedom, liberation, and final redemption). Thousands…