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MMA Kindergarten Program

MMA is ecstatic to launch our first official year of kindergarten.

We use the most inspiring, engaging, rigorous, and meaningful methodology when teaching our young learners! Our kindergarten’s Project-Based Learning curriculum at MMA involves a dynamic teaching approach where students acquire a deeper knowledge through active exploration of authentic, real-world challenges and problems.

Project-Based Learning

Students learn about a subject of their interest by working for an extended period to investigate and respond to a complex question, challenge, or problem which is contained in a Driving Question.  Project-Based Learning requires students to experience simple research and collaborate to find a solution to the “Driving Question”. Through PBL, our kindergartners learn 21st century skills at a young age such as critical thinking, problem solving, effective communication, and leadership.

They are also exposed to a wide range of natural learning materials as they create their project. PBL should not be confused with projects which may only take a day or 2 to complete, may not be interdisciplinary, and may not require children to collaborate. 

PBL involves teaching through engaging topics that allow integration of meaningful learning in interdisciplinary subject areas, such as Jewish life and history, literacy, mathematics, and science, while supporting age-appropriate activities for child development. It is a style of active and inquiry-based learning.

The topics for our PBL mostly come from our students’ interests or from real-life problems that they are encountering in the classroom, on the playground, at home, or in the Jewish Community. When the PBL products and research are completed, our students proudly and publicly present their learning to an audience. 

Because children learn differently at their own pace, each child at MMA has a personalized learning plan that is tailored to his or her developmental and learning needs and interests. 

Integrated Learning

Through taking care of their own garden, for example, our MMA Kindergarteners learn about horticulture, botany, holistic proactive nutrition, and the food supply chain, as well as learning how to be responsible leaders creating a sustainable world for our future generations. Of course, math, literacy, and motor development are all supported through gardening. And because the learning is framed in a real-life environment, the material is more engaging and leads to greater internalization and retention. To read more about the benefits of gardening as children, click here.

Jewish Studies

Our Kindergarteners continue to develop a strong foundation in the Hebrew language, both from a Biblical and conversational perspective. They work on reading and writing in Hebrew in a way that prepares them to participate in daily prayers and follow along in a Jewish text. Most importantly, our teachers work to model a passion for Jewish life and love of Hashem, Torah, our fellow Jews, and the land of Israel.

Age appropriate daily davening, weekly Parsha, Shabbat, and Yom Tov are all incorporated throughout the day, week, and year as part of our integrated curriculum.

To schedule a tour or request more information about our Kindergarten Program, click here.