Dear Parents,
All the students are eagerly preparing for Pesach, especially the younger three classes, Chochma, Bina, & Daas, who are busy practising for the upcoming Model Seder (March 22 @ 2pm). Please make plans to come join us, together with extended family and friends, for an MMAzing pre-Pesach experience!
Pesach is the time where the parent-school partnership is highlighted. The formal education happens at school, students learn the what, when, why, and how of Pesach. Then, at home during the Seder, the parents give the experiential educational experience and the heart of Pesach. Without either of these two facets, the other loses some of its effect and meaning.
Although the optimum home-school relationship is emphasized at Pesach, for each child's success, it is a relationship that must be ongoing throughout the year. This is why Menachem Mendel Academy’s model is built on a strong partnership between parents and school staff. At MMA we look for:
- Parents who want to take an active role in the education of their children.
- Parents who expect excellence in the school system and are prepared, when possible, to contribute their time and talents.
- Parents who want their children to have the benefits of a customized curriculum, the extra attention provided by a low staff to student ratio, and creative, sometimes out of the box, learning opportunities.
- Families who want to prepare their children to thrive in tomorrow’s world while being proficient and actively involved in the Jewish world. World class academics, life skills, and character development.
Wishing us all many positive shared experiences in our home-school partnership.
Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Wernick
Moshe assembles the Jewish people and reiterates to them the commandment to observe Shabbos. He then conveys Hashem’s instructions regarding the making of the Mishkan (Tabernacle). The people donate the required materials in abundance, bringing gold, silver and copper; blue-, purple- and red-dyed wool; goat hair, spun linen, animal skins, wood, olive oil, herbs and precious stones. Moshe has to tell them to stop giving.
A team of talented artisans make the Mishkan and its furnishings (as detailed in previous Torah readings): three layers of roof coverings; 48 gold-plated wall panels, and 100 silver foundation sockets; the paroches (veil) that separates between the Sanctuary’s two chambers, and the masach (screen) that fronts it; the Ark and its cover with the Cherubim; the table and its showbread; the seven-branched menorah with its specially prepared oil; the golden altar and the incense burned on it; the anointing oil; the outdoor altar for burnt offerings and all its implements; the hangings, posts and foundation sockets for the courtyard; and the basin and its pedestal, made out of copper mirrors.
An account is made of the gold, silver and copper donated by the people for the making of the Mishkan. Betzalel, Aholiav and their assistants make the eight priestly garments—the ephod, breastplate, cloak, crown, turban, tunic, sash and breeches—according to the specifications previously communicated to Moshe.
The Mishkan is completed and all its components are brought to Moshe, who erects it and anoints it with the holy anointing oil, and initiates Aaron and his four sons into the priesthood. A cloud appears over the Mishkan, signifying the divine presence that has come to dwell within it.
Dear Parents,
In this week’s Parshas (Vayakhel-Pekudei), we see an amazing feat during the setup of the mishkan. As the mishkan was being erected, the curtains of the mishkan floated, in their places, until the frame that supported them was put into position, when they floated down upon the frame.
Amongst other things, this shows us that Hashem makes everything happen in the proper time. We of course have to do our best, but at the end of the day everything will occur when it is meant to, with or without the influence of human interaction. The flow of the universe will levitate our reality until it is ready to be placed upon this physical world.
Today our kiddos learned how to make various objects levitate, 'floating' like the curtains of the mishkan miraculously did. Although we used electromagnetism, rather than trying to make a miracle. Electromagnetism is a branch of physics, that deals with the electromagnetic force that occurs between electrically charged particles. The students were able to 'levitate' objects using electromagnetic waves created as a result of vibrations between electric fields.
Gut Shabbos from your MMA Family!
We are excited to announce that our MMA Yarmulkas have arrived!!!
They are available for purchase at the office for $9. Please call Shira to order yours!