How do we integrate our curriculum?

Menachem Mendel Academy

One of the foundational pillars of MMA is an integrated curriculum. We pride ourselves in giving our students hands-on experiences to prepare them to thrive in real life.

Our goal is to incorporate the following components into everything we do:

  • Torah and Love of Judaism
  • General Studies
  • Character Development
  • Life Skills
  • Love of Others, Love of Self, Love of Learning

At MMA, we have extremely high standards for our academics, and we achieve this world-class level of excellence through the following:

  • General Studies subjects (math, science, english, history, etc.) are all taught through the lens of Torah. Click here for an example.
  • Each student has a customized curriculum, rather than “teaching to the test”, “teaching to the middle”, or teaching to mediocre national standards.
  • Children are taught through multiple intelligences.
  • Students learn through a combination of group work, self-study, and private instruction.
  • A strong partnership between parents and school family helps to ensure maximum success.

Below is an example of our weekly integrated Science, Art, & Parsha project:

Our Integrated Curriculum

Menachem Mendel Academy

One of the foundational pillars of MMA is an integrated curriculum. We pride ourselves in giving our students hands-on experiences to prepare them to thrive in real life.

Our goal is to incorporate the following components into everything we do:

  • Torah and Love of Judaism
  • General Studies
  • Character Development
  • Life Skills
  • Love of Others, Love of Self, Love of Learning

At MMA, we have extremely high standards for our academics, and we achieve this world-class level of excellence through the following:

  • General Studies subjects (math, science, english, history, etc.) are all taught through the lens of Torah. Click here for an example.
  • Each student has a customized curriculum, rather than “teaching to the test”, “teaching to the middle”, or teaching to mediocre national standards.
  • Children are taught through multiple intelligences. (New to the theory of multiple intelligences? Click here and here to learn more.)
  • Students learn through a combination of group work, self-study, and private instruction.
  • A strong partnership between parents and school family helps to ensure maximum success.

Below is an example of our weekly integrated Science, Art, & Parsha project: